Monday, January 7, 2019

Spiritual Formation (Spiritual Guidance part 1)

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To Timothy, My true child in the faith… (Holy Bible: New American Standard Bible, 1 Timothy 1:2)

Samuel [the Prophet] said to Saul, “You have acted foolishly… now your kingdom shall not endure…” (Idib. 1 Samuel 13:13-14)

Nathan [the Prophet] then said to David … “Why have you despised the word of the Lord… Now therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house…” (Ibid. 2 Samuel 12:7-10)

            Spiritual Friendship and Spiritual Guidance are similar in ways, because both rely on a relationship between two people and are tools for spiritual growth.  Hierarchy can be a tricky topic when it relates to these relationships.  In the broad sense, there is more of a hierarchical structure in Spiritual Guidance, however, I feel this can be best explained using a ladder.  Imagine a ladder that is flat on the ground, you can see that the third rung is farther from the start than the first rung, but since the ladder is flat on the ground, the third is no higher than the first (Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls, Kindle Location 1088).  As I understand it, Spiritual Formation is similar to this flat ladder.  There are people who have had more time and opportunity to move up the rungs of the ladder and are therefore farther along; however, not higher, the way a regional manager is over a store manager, who is over a department manager and so forth.

            What makes for a good spiritual guide?  Let me tell you about two spiritual leaders that I have personally encountered.  The first was not a mentor and the second was.  I don’t know if the first loved his neighbor as he loved himself; however, I saw the second love his neighbor as he loved himself.  The first once mistakenly said the Babylonian captivity lasted 80 years and when I pointed out that it was 70 years, he was gruff and abrasive that I would correct him.  The second once confused the words dispensationalism and cessationism, but was accepting and grateful to be corrected.

            Remember the episode where a Pharisee invited Jesus to dinner (Luke 7:36-50), and a woman with the reputation of being a sinner made her way to the dinner also.  There she wept on Jesus’ feet and dried them with her hair.  This made the Pharisee doubt Jesus’ holiness because He accepted the sinful woman.  Jesus then told the story of a money lender and two debtors, both of whom were unable to repay their debts.  In the story, the money lender forgave both debts, then Jesus asked the Pharisee, “which will then love the money lender more?”  The Pharisee was right to point out the one that was forgiven the greater debt.  Jesus used that to illustrate the relationship between grace and a person being changed.

            That change, the kind brought about by God’s love and His grace, as opposed to a change brought by a higher religiosity, is vital in a Spiritual Guide.  Because, they have be changed by God and by themselves.

Written by Pastor Ozzy

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Works Cited

1995. Holy Bible: New American Standard Bible. LaHabra: The Lockman Foundation.
Moon, Gary W., and David G. Benner. 2004. Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press.

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